On Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 6:29 AM Dick Visser <dnmvis...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm working with AWS RDS PG instances that have been created over time,
> and that by now are a mix of several major/minor versions ranging from 12
> to 15.
> The initial configuration and management is done from an EC2 instance
> running Debian 11, which has Postrgres 13.13.
> I already found out that there are compatibility issues if I use the
> client programs from the Debian VM when they're older than the server
> version.

Like what?

psql can *sometimes* be wonky when running against newer servers, as can
PgAdmin4, but that's because they won't understand changed catalog tables.
Do the other client programs use new SQL features?

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