On 9/20/23 10:59 AM, Harry Green wrote:
Thank you Laurenz for your answer,
I have done a complete pg_dump and complete restore, and tried all
forms of complete pg_dumps and restores (i.e. the different formats).
There is no partial or tables only or data only dumping or restoring.
Further, you refer to a 'check constraint' but this is just a function
that we wrote with the 'create function...' command, whose name if
memory serves correctly happens to begin by 'check...' because that
happens to be the most descriptive word for what it does.
The pg_restore is actually correctly recreating the function using the
'create function...' command, but it is doing so on line 95, ahead of
the 'create table ... accounts ...' which appears on line 510. The
trouble is that in the function itself, we refer to the accounts
table, and if I am not mistaken, the whole point of pl/pgsql is that
you can refer to tables, etc. so I don't think I have done anything
The issue is not that a table name is being used in a function, it is
that the function is
being used before the table is created.
My suspicion still is that it is being used as a CHECK function.
I would suggest taking a schema only dump of the database e.g:
pg_dump -d <db_name> -s -f db_name_schema.sql
This will dump only the schema(object) definitions. Then search that
file for
check_account_from_bill_items. I'm betting it is used somewhere before
the accounts table
is created.