Thank you all for taking the time to help me with my question and offer your 
advice. Your responses were greatly appreciated!

At 2023-09-08 21:53:33, "Tom Lane" <> wrote:
>gzh  <> writes:
>> In the Release Notes for PostgreSQL 12.14, we saw the following change:
>>> Add recursion and looping defenses in subquery pullup (Tom Lane)
>>> A contrived query can result in deep recursion and unreasonable amounts of 
>>> time spent trying to flatten subqueries. A proper fix for that seems unduly 
>>> invasive for a back-patch, but we can at least add stack depth checks and 
>>> an interrupt check to allow the query to be cancelled.
>> Our understanding is that this change will cause some complex SQL statements 
>> that were previously not reporting errors to report errors in the new 
>> version. 
>The key word there is "contrived".  You are not going to hit this limit
>without intentionally trying.  The example that led to adding this check
>was a synthetic query with 10000 UNION ALL branches:
>Also notice that the query misbehaved before this patch, too, by consuming
>excessive RAM.
>                       regards, tom lane

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