On 06/09/2023 18:04 CEST Sai Teja <saitejasaichintalap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When I'm trying the below command
> Select UPPER('Mass')
> I'm getting MASS as output .
> But when I created the column with generated always constraint
> For example
> Alter table xyz add column xyz varchar(800) generated always as 
> (UPPER(content)) stored
> Here content is original string coming from the table
> The output is coming as 'µass" when I am selecting the data from the table

Please provide the statements (CREATE TABLE, INSERT, and SELECT) to reproduce
it otherwise it's hard to analyze what's going on.

Homoglyphs are one explanation if you get 'µass' from the generated column as
described.  Another explanation is that you just selected a different column.


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