I have a question regarding the use of inet operators in environments with 
mixed IPv4 and IPv6 notations.

Consider the example from sect. 9.12. “Network Address Functions and Operators” 
in the docs which returns properly

postgres=# select ''::inet << '192.168.1/24'::inet;
(1 row)

However, for an IPv6 encapsulated IPv4 address, the result is

postgres=# select '::ffff:'::inet << '192.168.1/24'::inet;
(1 row)

Although the representation is different, in reality '' and 
'::ffff:' designate the same node, so IMHO it would be logical if 
the second statement would also return True.  Is there any option to simply 
achieve this?  I use PostgreSQL v. 15 on a Debian Bookworm box.

Thanks in advance, Albrecht.

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