Hi Amn,

What I don't understand is the requirement to set autocommit to true since
this is the default ?

Either way this is expected behaviour as psql also has autocommit true by


Dave Cramer

On Mon, 21 Aug 2023 at 20:57, Amn Ojee Uw <amnoje...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Dave for your interest.
> In  the OP I started by explaining the difficulties when trying to create
> a tabelspace using JDBC; please note that when using the PG-15 prompt I did
> not have the problem. Well, it turns out that while developing the request
> for help (writing the email), I realize that my code had the following line
> :
> *this.conn.setAutoCommit(false);*
> However, in my research, I had read a post mentioning that by setting *auto
> commit* to *true* the issue was solved. So, I changed that line of code
> in my algorithm to :
> *this.conn.setAutoCommit(true);*
> Which also resulted in my app working without any errors.
> Please read the code-snip I submitted; there you can see that line of code
> I edited; which I commented with "*//** game changer!!".*
> Thanks again Dave, have great week.
> On 8/21/23 2:51 p.m., Dave Cramer wrote:
> Hi Amn,
> Can you help me understand this issue better?
> I don't see anywhere in the code where you are attempting to create a
> tablespace ?
> Dave Cramer
> On Sun, 20 Aug 2023 at 11:17, Amn Ojee Uw <amnoje...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I have searched the net in an attempt to find if others have had and
>> resolved this challenge, but most of the sites talk about how, when using
>> the psql, this error arises. In my case, the error arises only when access
>> PG-15 using JDBC.
>> JDBC connects to the database, but when trying to execute a schema, it be
>> to create a database or to create a tabelspace I get this error :
>> *StackTrace : [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@7a69b07*
>> *Message : ERROR: CREATE TABLESPACE cannot run inside a transaction block*
>> I have used the same algorithm, but now modify to accommodate PG-15, when
>> using SQLite. So the JDBC code might not be the problem, but the
>> requirements needed from PG-15.
>> Change of perspective, I resolved the concern!
>> Here is what changed the outcome :
>> --- snip ---
>> public void connectToDatabase() throws ClassNotFoundException,
>> SQLException {
>>     try {
>>         Class.forName(this.getDatabaseClass().toString());
>>         this.conn =
>> DriverManager.getConnection(this.getDatabaseUrl().toString(),
>>                 this.getUserID().toString(),
>>                 this.getUserPassword().toString());
>>         *this.conn.setAutoCommit(true);** //** game changer!!*
>>         this.pout("Connected to the PostgreSQL server, success!!!");
>>         this.stmt = this.conn.createStatement();
>>     } catch (final SQLException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
>>         throw e;
>>     }
>> }
>> --
>> All I had to do was to setAutoCommit to true, PG-15 set this value to
>> false by default.
>> I hope my experience can help others.

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