Hello children!
I am learning how to create a tablespace, and AFAIK this are the steps
to follow.
First step is to create the directory where the database files will be
created, for that I am using the root directory '/database'. This
directory is be owned by the postgres group.
Example :
sudo mkdir /database
sudo chown postgres:postgres /database
I read the following documentation
2.) seq_page_cost
3.) effective_io_concurrency
4.) maintenance_io_concurrency
5.) Tablespaces
x.) effective_io_concurrency
I then login PostgreSQL as so : sudo -u postgres psql.
Note : _/*jamiil*/_ is an actual account, it does exist!
I proceed to create the 'TABLESPACE' using the default values in PostgreSQL
CREATE TABLESPACE jme_tablespace OWNER jamiil LOCATION '/database' WITH
tablespace_option = seq_page_cost(1.0), random_page_cost (4.0),
effective_io_concurrency (1), maintenance_io_concurrency (10);
But then I get this error message:
*ERROR: syntax error at or near "tablespace_option"**
**LINE 1: ...tablespace OWNER jamiil LOCATION '/database' WITH
What did I go wrong?
This exercise is not imperative, but as a student of PostgreSQL I'd like
to try all there is to learn about PostgreSQL.
Thanks in advance for your time and interest.