Regarding / assertion, I am working with a _/Debian
12/_ machine and /*ls -l /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432*/
displays the following error message : /*ls: cannot access
'/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432': No such file or directory*/
As for Tomas Pospisek questions :
* as which user are you doing that (you can see that via `id`)?
Due to matters of security let us assume that the output is :
*//*uid=1000(my_account) gid=1000(my_account)
* in which directory are you executing it (you can see that via `pwd`)?
* what is the home directory of the postgres user (you can see that
via `grep postgres /etc/passwd`) /*
/*~$ grep postgres /etc/passwd*//*
* what does `ls -ld /var/run/postgresql/; ls -l
/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432` show?
/*ls -ld /var/run/postgresql/*//*
*//*drwxrwsr-x 2 postgres postgres 100 Jul 31 20:45
/*ls -l /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432*//*
*//*ls: cannot access '/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432': No such
file or directory*/
- what does `journalctl -xeu postgresql` say?
/*sudo journalctl -xeu postgresql*//*
*//*[sudo] password for *//*/**//*my_account*/: *//*
*//*░░ Support:*//*
*//*░░ *//*
*//*░░ A start job for unit postgresql.service has begun
*//*░░ *//*
*//*░░ The job identifier is 3496.*//*
*//*Jul 31 20:45:13 *//* systemd[1]: Finished
postgresql.service - PostgreSQL R>*//*
*//*░░ Subject: A start job for unit postgresql.service has finished
*//*░░ Defined-By: systemd*//*
*//*░░ Support:*//*
*//*░░ *//*
*//*░░ A start job for unit postgresql.service has finished
*//*░░ *//*
*//*░░ The job identifier is 3496.*//*
*//*lines 4-16/16 (END)*/
- what does `tail -n 20
/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-*-qgisclouddb.log` show?
/*sudo tail -n 20
*//*tail: cannot open
'/var/log/postgresql/postgresql-*-qgisclouddb.log' for reading: No
such file or directory*/
I hope I was able to answer all the interesting questions posted as
reply to my original post.
/Thanks folks, I really appreciate the time you have dedicated to my
On 8/1/23 10:35 a.m., Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 8/1/23 03:22, Amn Ojee Uw wrote:
Using the following command on my Debian 12 machine:
/*sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-15
postgresql-client-common postgresql-common postgresql-contrib
postgresql-doc phppgadmin
and following the instruction on this
<> web page I have
installed PostgreSQL-15.
The installation went smooth, until the following command was issued :
/*sudo -u postgres psql*/
... I get an error message that reads:
/*could not change directory to "/home/my_account": Permission
*//*psql: error: connection to server on socket
"/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or
*//* Is the server running locally and accepting connections on
that socket?*/
What can I do to resolve this issue?
and see what port the server is running on.
Thanks in advance.