> However, the parallel worker should just be absorbing the same
> configuration settings your main session is using.  So what remains
> to be explained is why you aren't seeing the same complaint when
> starting a fresh session.  It might be useful to look at the
> output of
> show default_text_search_config;
> and
> select * from pg_file_settings where name = 'default_text_search_config';
> psql (15.3 (Debian 15.3-1.pgdg110+1))
Type "help" for help.

mydatabase=# show default_text_search_config;
(1 row)

mydatabase=# select * from pg_file_settings where name =
                 sourcefile                 | sourceline | seqno |
   name            |  setting  | applied |            error
 /opt/postgresql/data/conf.d/06_locale.conf |         17 |    24 |
default_text_search_config | public.pg | f       | setting could not be
(1 row)


I'm not sure what applied="public.pg", error="setting could not be applied"
means. I can change it in the config file, no problem. I just would like to
know if this is a simple configuration error, or a software installation
error. (Is public.pg a built-in config that should always exist?)



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