Hello We are not able to find table which give session connection details about drivers. In pg_stat_activity details information is not there. Please let us know where we can find these information.
Please help me to get this information. Thanks Richie- In Oracle and Mysql we use below sql to get details SQL used to get mysql driver connection details SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(s.user,"@",1),sca.attr_value FROM sys.session as s join performance_schema.session_connect_attrs as sca on s.conn_id = sca.processlist_id group by SUBSTRING_INDEX(s.user,"@",1) SQL used to get Oracle driver connection details select a.CLIENT_VERSION, a.CLIENT_DRIVER ,b.USERNAME,b.PROGRAM from v$session_connect_info a, v$session b where CLIENT_VERSION!='Unknown' and CLIENT_DRIVER is not null and a.sid=b.sid group by a.CLIENT_VERSION, a.CLIENT_DRIVER ,b.USERNAME,b.PROGRAM order by b.USERNAME