Hello everyone.

We are attempting to evaluate list partitioning over hash partitioning
(which we currently use) to better facilitate dropping tables that
distinctly model devices we wish to purge. We don't want to use a DML
statement for cleanup since these tables can contain billions of rows
otherwise. Using PG15, we've hit a snag;

We're attempting to use declarative partitioning syntax in a function run
as an after trigger; we hit deadlocks. We try the older
inheritance alternative, we still hit deadlocks. I appreciate this is
generally because creating tables isn't a concurrently supported operation.
Here's the general approach we have, without code and with hypothetical
model, since I'm writing this hastily;

table devices; <-- After trigger on here
table routes; <-- To create physical partition for this logical table
table route_for_device_N; <-- The dynamically created partition

We don't know the device names and thus partitions up front, hence the need
for dynamic creation. How do you go about doing this or is it folly!?



Jim Vanns
Principal Production Engineer
Industrial Light & Magic, London

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