
Using index

create index on toode ( *split_part( toode, '/',1) *)

and query

select toode.toode , n2, n3, n4

from toode, vordlusajuhinnak

where *split_part( toode.toode, '/',1) *= vordlusajuhinnak.toode;

reduces run time to 5 minutes.


23.05.2023 17:26 Andrus kirjutas:


the product code and size into two columns --- if there's somebody
who really wants to see them in the above format, give them a
view or generated column.  Then instead of the impossible-to-optimize
queries you showed, you could do something like

select toode.toode , n2, n3, n4
from toode, vordlusajuhinnak
where toode.toode = vordlusajuhinnak.toode;

Can function index

create index on toode ( *split_part( toode, '/',1) *)

and query

select toode.toode , n2, n3, n4

from toode, vordlusajuhinnak

where *split_part( toode.toode, '/',1) *= vordlusajuhinnak.toode;

used and keeping existing table structure? Functional index should produce same speed improvement as using separate column?


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