Hello, The pg_stats.avg_width field is documented [1] as "Average width in bytes of column's entries" but it's not defined exactly what "entries" means here with respect to STORAGE (the underlying pg_statistic documentation doesn't clarify this either). I thought initially this was the "logical" size of the values, but I ran an experiment that suggests this interpretation is not right:
maciek=# create table foo(a text); CREATE TABLE maciek=# insert into foo(a) select string_agg(floor((random() * 10)::numeric)::text, '') from generate_series(1,1000000) g; INSERT 0 1 maciek=# analyze foo; ANALYZE maciek=# select avg_width from pg_stats where tablename = 'foo' and attname = 'a'; avg_width ----------- 18 (1 row) maciek=# select length(a) from foo; length --------- 1000000 (1 row) maciek=# select reltoastrelid::regclass from pg_class where relname = 'foo'; reltoastrelid --------------------------- pg_toast.pg_toast_6454708 (1 row) maciek=# select sum(length(chunk_data)) from pg_toast.pg_toast_6454708; sum -------- 724257 (1 row) So the avg_width here appears to correspond to neither the logical size nor the compressed toasted size. Am I missing something? Postgres 14.7 in case that matters. Thanks, Maciek [1]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/view-pg-stats.html