On 12/04/2023 2:35 am, Michael Paquier wrote:
> initdb does not enable checksums by default, requiring a
> -k/--data-checksums, so likely this addition comes from from your
> environment.

Indeed, turns out we had it in init_db_options.

> However, the docs say "Only
>> data pages are protected by checksums; internal data structures and
>> temporary files are not.", so I guess pg_class_oid_index might be an
>> "internal data structure"?
> pg_class_oid_index is a btree index that relies on 8k on-disk pages
> (default size), so it is subject to the same rules as normal relations
> regarding checksums for the pages flushed to disk, even if it is on a
> catalog.

OK, so then what does that mean for the error in the subject? At what
point should that problem have been detected by the data checksums?

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