> On 12 Sep 2022, at 15:47, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> Personally I'd put this up front, more like
>   have been initialized by your application, so that
>   <application>libpq</application> will not also initialize those libraries.
> +  However, this is unnecessary when using OpenSSL 1.1.0 or later,
> +  as duplicate initializations are no longer problematic.
>  </para>
> If you do use wording that specifically mentions PQinitOpenSSL,
> it should also mention PQinitSSL, just for clarity.

Reviving an old thread that got buried, I propose to apply the attached and
backpatch it as OpenSSL of such vintage is equally likely to be used in old
versions of postgres as current.

Daniel Gustafsson

Attachment: pqinitopenssl_v2.diff
Description: Binary data

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