Hi, We at Prisma are implementing developer tooling for PostgreSQL database amongst the others. One part of our tooling is the migration of schema changes to the database. We do that by diffing the schema from the file system against the one we introspect from the database; storing the changes to a migration file.
We are right now extending this to cover database views, and right now I'm looking for ways to compare the SQL written by the user against the SQL definition found in the pg_views view in the database. We do have a good SQL parser, which makes minor differences such as whitespace or newlines not matter in the comparison. What makes things more difficult is how PostgreSQL reconstructs the SELECT query before storing it to the database, as is written in the documentation: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/view-pg-views.html I haven't been able to find exactly what changes PostgreSQL does when reconstructing the query, but I've successfully been able to create views where the resulting query differs from what I wrote. Is there any documentation for this feature where I can learn more about what happens before the query is stringified to the information schema? Or, even better, is there a way for me to send a query to the database and as a result get back a reconstructed query? Thank you! Julius de Bruijn Software Engineer https://www.prisma.io/