Forwarding this to the list; Note the potential bug found at the end. My actual follow-on reply notes the lack of documentation regarding the composite cache-checking behavior (relative to the non-composite situation)
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: David G. Johnston <> Date: Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 8:24 PM Subject: Re: Behavior of PL/pgSQL function following drop and re-create of a table that it uses To: Bryn Llewellyn <> On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 7:54 PM Bryn Llewellyn <> wrote: > (1,cat) > > Now, still in the same session: > > alter table s.t add c2 text; > update s.t set c2 = 'dog' where k = 1; > select s.f(1); > > This is the new result. It surprised me: > > > * (1,cat,dog)* > This is what I expected actually, though I can't point to exactly why. > > Where can I read what I need in order to understand the difference here, > using %rowtype, and in the first test that I posted, using %type? > I'm not certain there should be. Given the presence of the bug below and general infrequency of this scenario I wouldn't be totally surprised there is a bug here as well. > Why is the meaning of %type frozen at "create" time > Nothing in the body of a pl/pgsql routine is frozen at "create time". At the earliest, it freezes at first execution in a session. > > Why don't I get a runtime error telling me that I have more "select list" > items than "into" targets? > That would be a bug so far as I can tell. postgres=# do $$declare c1 text; c2 text; begin select '1','2','3' into c1, c2; end;$$; DO > If a row variable or a variable list is used as target, the command's result columns must exactly match the structure of the target as to number and data types, or else a run-time error occurs. David J.