Under PostgreSQL 12, I have a table using tsvector to search the column 

It looks like this (not all columns are shown).

    Table "public.ports"
           Column           |           Type           | Collation | Nullable | 
 pkgmessage                 | text                     |           |          | 
 pkgmessage_textsearchable  | tsvector                 |           |          | 
generated always as (to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, pkgmessage)) stored

On several servers, it works fine, like this:

freshports.devgit=# SELECT id as port_id, element_pathname(element_id)
  FROM ports
 WHERE pkgmessage_textsearchable2  @@ websearch_to_tsquery('example');
 port_id |                           element_pathname                           
  100421 | /ports/branches/2022Q1/dns/dnsmasq
  100428 | /ports/branches/2022Q1/emulators/xsystem35
   14686 | /ports/head/sysutils/lmon
... etc

On the problem server, production, we get nothing.  Nada.

freshports.org=> SELECT id as port_id, element_pathname(element_id)
  FROM ports
 WHERE pkgmessage_textsearchable2  @@ websearch_to_tsquery('example');
 port_id | element_pathname 
(0 rows)


However, ilike on the same database does find the matches:

freshports.org=> SELECT id as port_id, element_pathname(element_id)
  FROM ports
 WHERE pkgmessage ilike '%example%';
 port_id |                           element_pathname                           
   34126 | /ports/head/security/pond
   74559 | /ports/branches/2015Q3/emulators/linux_base-c6
   60310 | /ports/branches/2020Q4/www/gitlab-ce
   38345 | /ports/head/www/gitlab
... etc

Both database are SQL_ASCII with the same Collate and Ctype settings.

Before composing this email, I ran "reindex table concurrently ports;" on the 
problem database. It did not change the results.

prod, has problem

                                     List of databases
      Name      |  Owner   | Encoding  |   Collate   |    Ctype    |   Access 
 freshports.org | postgres | SQL_ASCII | C           | C           | 

dev, no issues:

[pg02 dan ~] % psql -l
                                        List of databases
            Name             |    Owner     | Encoding  | Collate | Ctype |   
Access privileges   
 freshports.devgit           | postgres     | SQL_ASCII | C       | C     | 

Any ideas as to what to search please?

Oh, one difference. All the working-as-expected databases are self-hosted on 
FreeBSD. The problem database is on AWS RDS.
  Dan Langille

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