Oh ok.  Not to cause confusion, but after I suggested I would request an
update to the docs, I thought maybe it would be better to ask if the VTU's
code could be modified to include MVs.  So I sent a request to
pgsql-hackers (I think that's the list to use for feature requests).  But
from what you're saying, Tom, that may be a fruitless endeavor.  If they
reply back "nope", then I'll submit a request to have the documentation

Thanks for everyone's contributions!


On Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 5:11 PM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> Erik Wienhold <e...@ewie.name> writes:
> > Could it be a bug?  Materialized views are a Postgres extension[1] (I
> always
> > thought they are standard.)  But I'd expect them to be included when
> talking
> > about "views".  Maybe they are not included because they are considered
> being
> > closer to physical tables[2] than views.  Yet their dependencies would
> justify
> > inclusion in view_table_usage.
> The reasoning is that the information_schema views are defined by the
> SQL standard and therefore should only show content that matches the
> standard.  Thus, they ignore PG-invented objects like matviews and
> sequences.  Some other projects adopt more liberal views about
> what should be shown in those views, but that one is our policy.
>                         regards, tom lane

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