Am Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 11:59:59PM -0500 schrieb Kirk Wolak:

> > It's OK to post a work-in-progress patch to pgsql-hackers, even if it
> > doesn't work right yet.  With any luck, people will show up to help
> > with problems.  I am 100% sure that our Windows user community would
> > love this feature.  It would be good if the tests in
> > src/bin/psql/t/ pass on Windows, but if that's
> > hard, don't let that stop you sharing a patch.
> >
> Thomas,  thanks for that!  So new to this, I didn't realize...  That's a
> great idea.
> Honestly not sure how to even run it?
> Thanks for the support, it's encouraging...  especially when I know there's
> an 80% chance that
> this may fail to get accepted for any number of reasons.

I don't think that estimate needs to be that pessimistic.

Thanks for the effort to bring tab completion to psql on windows.

GPG  40BE 5B0E C98E 1713 AFA6  5BC0 3BEA AC80 7D4F C89B

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