Hi Tom, `I take it things were okay with the version you used previously?` Yes, it was working pretty well in another instance with pg version `12.4-1.pgdg18.04+1`, and we had to make a migration of one database that was running in this server to another using Logical Replication.
the process was basically this: CREATE PUBLICATION my_database_pub FOR ALL TABLES; postgres@origin:~$ psql "dbname=<my_database> replication=database" my_database=# CREATE_REPLICATION_SLOT <slot_name> LOGICAL pgoutput; pg_dump -j4 -h <host> -p 5432 --no-subscriptions --no-publications -d <my_database> --snapshot=<snapshot_generated> -Fd -U <my_user> -f </mnt/dump> postgres@destination:/mnt/database$ pg_restore -d <my_database> -j 5 </mnt/dump> CREATE SUBSCRIPTION <name_sub> CONNECTION 'host=<host> dbname=<my_database> user=replica password=?? port=5432' PUBLICATION <name_pub> WITH (slot_name=<slot_name>, create_slot=false, copy_data=false); After this migration we started to have this kind of problem in both replica and primary servers. `This looks pretty messed up. Are you sure the debug symbols you're using` What exactly do you mean? I'm not too familiar with this debug toolings, the packages I've used were: postgresql-14/focal-pgdg,now 14.5-2.pgdg20.04+2 arm64 [installed] postgresql-14-dbgsym/focal-pgdg,now 14.5-2.pgdg20.04+2 arm64 [installed] `Even better, can you construct a self-contained test case?`: Actually I couldn't reproduce the problem because it's happening just in a production database, and it doesn't look to have a pattern in the cases when it happens. Is there anything I could provide you to help the analysis ? On Mon, Nov 7, 2022 at 3:08 PM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote: > Willian Colognesi <willian_cologn...@trimble.com> writes: > > I started to use version `14.5-2.pgdg20.04+2` for a dedicated database > and > > I'm facing many segmentation faults during the day when the database has > > more heavy queries. > > I take it things were okay with the version you used previously? > What was that exactly? Has anything else changed? > > > I could also get a little information from gdb, I'm not sure if it will > > help: > > This looks pretty messed up. Are you sure the debug symbols you're using > match the package? > > Even better, can you construct a self-contained test case? > > regards, tom lane > -- <http://www.trimble.com/> *Willian Cezar de O. Colognesi* Systems Analysis Specialist, Trimble Transportation Brazil Avenida Santos Dumont, 271 | Londrina, PR | 86039-090