On Sat, 2022-10-22 at 17:28 +0200, Joseph Kennedy wrote:
> Hi,I have a question. Its stays at the intersection of software engineering 
> and PostgreSQL.
> I have configured streaming synchronous replication and whit setting 
> "synchronous_commit=remote_apply"
> to make sure that the slave will always respond the same as the MASTER (this 
> is a developers'
> requirement that the MASTER always responds the same as SLAVE). I set 
> "hot_standby_feedback=on"
> and "max_standby_streaming_delay=-1",
> max_standby_streaming_delay set to -1 to make MASTER wait indefinitely before 
> SELECT conflicts on the SLAVE will end.
> Here's where the problem arises, because not long after the replication has 
> been started some serious
> delays occur in the form of "replay_lag" - which rather indicates the 
> appearance of conflicts;
> the replication stops working properly.
> From the server logs it appears that UPDATE (select for update) has occurred 
> on the MASTER, and SELECT
> queries are in progress on SLAVE causing replication conflicts, with setting 
> "max_standby_streaming_delay=-1"
> they never ends and there are huge lags.
> From the findings with the developers it emerged that they do not want me to 
> set max_standby_streaming_delay
> to a value after which the queries conflicted with replication will be 
> canceled.
>  * So I'm wondering if, in this configuration, it can work properly at all 
> without setting, for example,
>    "max_standby_streaming_delay=30" ?
>  * On the other hand I wonder if the application should not be developed in 
> such a way to support replication
>    of PostgreSQL configured as a streaming synchronous replication cluster 
> with "synchronous_commit=remote_apply" ?
>  * Or perhaps "synchronous streaming replication" is a bad choice, maybe 
> logical replication would be better ?
>  * What are the best practices?
>  * Perhaps you just need to force/teach applications to work with synchronous 
> replication in such a way that
>    when the SELECT causes conflicts with replication such queries are 
> canceled and the application should resend/repeat query ?
>  * I also think that after setting, for example, 
> "max_standby_streaming_delay=30" queries (addressed) to the
>    database should be very well optimized, so that too long queries are not 
> canceled too frequently?
>  * Do you know any books focused on applications adapted to work in 
> postgresql synchronous streaming
>    replication environment i.e. High Availability?

This can never work properly.  If you have synchronous replication with 
"synchronous_commit = remote_apply",
COMMIT on the primary will wait until the information has been replayed on the 
standby.  If you set
"max_standby_streaming_delay = -1", replication can be delayed indefinitely 
long in the event of a replication
conflict, so COMMIT can take arbitrarily long.

You can reduce replication conflicts (by setting "hot_standby_feedback = on" 
and by altering all tables to
set "vacuum_truncate = off"), but you will never get rid of them completely.

You will either have to accept stale ready on the standby (by setting 
"synchronous_commit" to something lower)
or you have to accept canceled queries on the standby (by lowering 

Laurenz Albe

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