On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 3:01 PM Daniel Verite <dan...@manitou-mail.org> wrote: > Dominique Devienne wrote: > > the fact the lo table is unique for the whole database would allow > > users to see blobs from any schema, as I understand it.
> Each large object has its own set of permissions. This is a significant > difference with bytea, since every creation of a new large object > may need to be followed by GRANT statements. > Also if the roles and the access policies are changed in the > lifetime of the app, that might imply massive REVOKE/GRANT > statements to apply to existing objects. Thank you Daniel. Very interesting, and something I definitely didn't know. I believe that's doable, given our design on ROLEs, but would for sure be both a PITA, and additional management / code to deal with. At least GRANTs are transactional like the new LO oids themselves, I think, so now I know it would be possible to properly secure the LOs. This insight is greatly appreciated. --DD