> On Oct 7, 2022, at 17:16, Bryn Llewellyn <b...@yugabyte.com> wrote:
> What does "make for a good bug report" mean, David?

Well, first of all, brevity. :-)

> Is it:
> (1.1) You, David, or somebody else who has been officially recognized as a PG 
> Contributor (https://www.postgresql.org/community/contributors/) will file 
> the bug, granting it credibility with their imprimatur?
> or (1.2) I, Bryn, should file the bug.

That's unnecessarily snarky.  You are the one who feels that there is an issue, 
so you are the one who should report the bug.  The community documents how to 
file a bug report here:


People completely new to the community report bugs all the time; it's often 
their first contact with the community.

I don't think there is widespread agreement that this is as big an issue as you 
clearly feel it is, so it's up to you to persuade the community that it's worth 
changing.  You may not be successful, and the implementation of quote_ident 
stays the same as it is now.  If that makes PostgreSQL useless to you, well, 
contact the bursar for a full refund.

> About "I suspect it is likely to get changed", do you mean:
> (2.1) Change the doc to match quote_ident's current, unpredictable, behavior? 
> (By all means, substitute "hard to describe accurately, precisely, and yet 
> still tersely" for "unpredictable".)
> (2.2) Change quote_ident's implementation—and then write new doc to describe 
> the new behavior precisely and accurately? And for this option, the next 
> question is "What's the spec of the changed implementation?"

Make a proposal, and it can be debated.  If you feel up to it, prepare a 
documentation patch, a code patch, or both.  It's just SGML and C; they won't 
bite.  But you really need to make a specific, concrete, "it should do this 
instead" proposal.

And, with all due respect, there is a strong "you FOOLS" tone to your 
conversation on the list, as if the community are all morons, stubborn, or 
both.  I would really suggest you dial that back, because it's getting in the 
way of your often-reasonable points.

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