Bryn Llewellyn <> writes:
> I've seen this pattern in use:

>   create temp table if not exists pg_temp.flag(val boolean not null) on 
> commit delete rows;
>   insert into pg_temp.flag(val) values(true);

> But doing a DDL before every use of the session-state representation felt 
> heavier than assuming that it's there and creating the table only if it 
> isn't. But I haven't done any timing tests. Is the "create… if not exists" so 
> lightweight when the to-be-created object does exist that I'm fussing over 
> nothing?

Fair question.  My gut feeling is that the subtransaction created by the
BEGIN ... EXCEPTION construct is more expensive than a no-op CREATE
IF NOT EXISTS.  I've not measured it though; and I'm pretty sure that
the answer would vary depending on how often you expect the code to fall
through versus needing to create the table.

                        regards, tom lane

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