On 2022-08-20 17:42:27 -0500, Perry Smith wrote:
> This select is almost instant:
>     WITH RECURSIVE pathname(id, parent_id, basename) AS (
>         SELECT child.id, child.parent_id, child.basename
>         FROM dirents child
>         WHERE basename = '10732.emlx'
>       UNION ALL
>         SELECT parent.id, parent.parent_id, CONCAT(parent.basename, '/',
>     child.basename)
>         FROM dirents parent, pathname child
>         WHERE parent.id = child.parent_id
>     )
>     SELECT basename FROM pathname where parent_id IS NULL;
> Note that the non-recursive term selects the children and the recursion is
> “out” towards the ancestors.
> To rephrase, is it possible to write a view that would work from the child
> terms out towards the ancestors?

I see that you also have a solution using a function but I thought I
should give it a shot using a view:

create view tree as
    WITH RECURSIVE pathname(id, parent_id, fullpath, leafname) AS (
        SELECT child.id, child.parent_id, child.basename, child.basename
        FROM dirents child
        SELECT parent.id, parent.parent_id, CONCAT(parent.basename, '/', 
child.fullpath), leafname
        FROM dirents parent, pathname child
        WHERE parent.id = child.parent_id
    SELECT * FROM pathname where parent_id is null;

This does functionally do what you want (IIUC):

hjp=> select * from tree where leafname = '10732.emlx';
║ id │ parent_id │          fullpath          │  leafname  ║
║  5 │       (∅) │ home/alice/Mail/10732.emlx │ 10732.emlx ║
(1 row)

hjp=> select * from tree where leafname = 'bin';
║ id │ parent_id │   fullpath   │ leafname ║
║  1 │       (∅) │ bin          │ bin      ║
║ 23 │       (∅) │ usr/bin      │ bin      ║
║  5 │       (∅) │ home/bob/bin │ bin      ║
(3 rows)

However, to be performant the optimizer would have to recognize that it
can push «leafname = ...» all the way down into the initial subquery of
the recursive query. That's theoretically possible but I would be
surprised if it actually did this. (It didn't in my tests, but my test
data set was too small to get it to even use indexes with normal


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Story must make more sense than reality.
|_|_) |                    |
| |   | h...@hjp.at         |    -- Charles Stross, "Creative writing
__/   | http://www.hjp.at/ |       challenge!"

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