Hello! I try to update the underlying sequence of a SERIAL column, by using a RETURNING clause in my INSERT statement, which is checking that the column value is greater than the last_value of my sequence, and reset the sequence with setval() if needed.
When running several client processes in concurrently, using this INSERT statement, I get duplicate primary key errors. The SQL code of my INSERT looks like this: insert into tab1 (name) VALUES ('aaa') returning tab1.pkey, (select case when tab1.pkey>=(select last_value from public.tab1_pkey_seq) then setval('public.tab1_pkey_seq',tab1.pkey,true) else 0 end) To me something is wrong with the behavior of PostgreSQL: The whole INSERT statement (including the code in the RETURNING clause), should execute in a ATOMIC manner. Obviously if several processes execute that code in parallel, and if the select last_value / setval() get mixed up, we are in trouble... Can something confirm this is a PostgreSQL bug, or help me to find the right code to avoid the issue? To reproduce: 1. Create tab1 table and stored procedure for testing with insert-tab1.sql 2. Run several psql processes in parallel, calling the stored procedure: sh ./start2.sh (Linux/bash) Thanks! Seb
Description: inserts-tab1.sql
Description: call-proc.sql
Description: start2.sh