Re: Thomas Munro
> > Does anything of that ring a bell for someone? Is that an AIX bug, a
> > PG bug, or something else?
> No clue here.  Anything unusual about the file system (NFS etc)?  Can
> you truss/strace the system calls, to sanity check the flags arriving
> into open(), and see if there's any unexpected other activity around
> open() calls that might be coming from something you're linked
> against?


it's local storage, 16Gb SAN, Unity 500 storage, all data is on SSD
disks, and file system is JFS2 (mount options are rw,log=INLINE).

Good point about the flags, but we don't have access to the servers,
so not sure if it will be possible to retrieve strace information.
I'll try asking.

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