> david.g.johns...@gmail.com wrote:
>> b...@yugabyte.com wrote:
>> I’ve copied a self-contained testcase below. Is the error that the "as 
>> intended" test causes due to a known limitation—or even a semantic dilemma 
>> that I'm failing to spot? Or might it be due to a bug?
> I read the note in create domain as basically “don’t do this” (the not null 
> part) but the issue you are pointing out seems unrelated to that. 
>> /*
>>   This one cases the error, thus:
>>   ERROR:  failed to find conversion function from key_vals_nn to record[]
>>   CONTEXT:  SQL expression "(kv1_nn = any(kvs_nn))"
>> */;
>> select f('as intended');
> The fact that a domain over an array isn’t being seen as an array here seems 
> like a bug.  POLA violation at least, and I don’t recall any notes regarding 
> this dynamic in the docs.
> However, a more trivial case does work, at least in HEAD:
> create domain mytext as text[] not null;
> select '1' = any(array['1','2']::mytext);
>  ?column?
> ----------
>  t
> However, as you show:
> create type kv AS ( key text, val text );
> create domain kvarr as kv[];
> select ('1','one')::kv = any (array[('1','one')::kv]);
>  ?column?
> ----------
>  t
> (1 row)
> select ('1','one')::kv = any ((array[('1','one')::kv])::kvarr);
> ERROR:  failed to find conversion function from kvarr to record[]
> So the interaction of a composite type and the domain over array seems to be 
> the scope of the issue - which makes me thing bug even more.

Thanks for the quick response, David. I'll use my workaround for now. And I'll 
look out for news about a possible fix.

About this from the "create domain" doc:

Best practice therefore is to design a domain's constraints so that a null 
value is allowed, and then to apply column NOT NULL constraints to columns of 
the domain type as needed, rather than directly to the domain type.

What an enormous disappointment. It defeats a large part of what I wanted to 
adopt as a practice. As I understand that “don’t do this” caution, and the 
discussion that surrounds it, the advice applies only to the case that a domain 
with a not null constraint is used as the data type of a column in a table. I 
tried this variant on what the doc has:

create domain text_nn as text not null;
create table t1(k int primary key, v text not null);
insert into t1(k, v) values(1, 'x');

-- Causes:
-- null value in column "v" of relation "t1" violates not-null constraint
insert into t1(k, v) values(2, (select 'y'::text_nn where false));

Right, the subquery evaluates to "null". Then failure comes, as is intended, 
when the attempt is made to assign "null" to "t.v" in the to-be-inserted row.

Then I repeated the test like this:

create table t2(k int primary key, v text_nn);
insert into t2(k, v) values(1, 'x');
insert into t2(k, v) values(2, (select 'y'::text_nn where false));

\pset null '<null>'
  pg_typeof(v) as "pg_typeof(v)"
from t2;

No error—and this result:

 k |   v    | pg_typeof(v) 
 1 | x      | text_nn
 2 | <null> | text_nn

This is what the doc promises. But how can you see it as anything but a bug? 
The subquery evaluates to "null", and only then is the attempt made to create a 
new row which self-evidently violates the domain's constraint. How is it any 
different from this:

insert into t2(k, v) values(1, null);

This obligingly causes "domain text_nn does not allow null values".

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