Mark Hill <> writes:
> I'm building Postgres 14.2 on AIX.   Apparently the arc4random function is 
> not available in the AIX system libraries.  The build
> fails when it tries to build postgresql-14.2/contrib/uuid-ossp/uuid-ossp.c 
> because of the use of arc4random in that source
> file.
AFAICS arc4random is only referenced in the "BSD" code paths, so you
must have tried to specify --with-uuid=bsd.  It's not too surprising
that that didn't work.  As per the docs, your other alternatives are
to use the OSSP library or the e2fsprogs library.  Or you could just
not build uuid-ossp; it's fairly vestigial these days, now that we
offer gen_random_uuid() in core.

                        regards, tom lane

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