On 4/29/22 12:50 PM, Mladen Gogala wrote:
On 4/29/22 13:35, Jan Wieck wrote:
Not that I know of. \e starts the external editor and you have to save and exit that editor to get back to psql in order to execute it. IMHO the whole construct has very limited usability.

Regards, Jan

Is there a way to define the name of the temporary file created by \e command? I'd like to name it "afiedt.buf", not for sentimental reasons. I already have a cron job that cleans afiedt.buf from my home directory every hour and having psql name temporary file like that would simplify the cleaning process. The name comes from another database with the same editor construct as \e. I am actually quite used to that.

If want to do something like that you would need to do(using VIM here):

select 1;
:w afiedt.buf

:wq afiedt.buf

Assuming you closed the editor you could pick up the file later by doing.

\e afiedt.buf


Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217

Adrian Klaver

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