Sam Kidman <> writes:
>> Are you using any nondefault make options?  Are you invoking our Makefile
>> from some make script of your own?

> This all came about because we use asdf as a version manager which compiles
> the versions of various programs you want to use. There's potentially a
> problem with the asdf plugin for postgres which I'd like to fix. I couldn't
> make head nor tails of the problem with asdf, so I cloned the source and
> started trying to compile it myself. The error I get when I compile it
> myself and when asdf does it are the same (the problem with header files
> not being generated)

Our manual recommends doing it this way if you invoke PG's build from
an upper-level makefile:

        $(MAKE) -C postgresql MAKELEVEL=0 all

I don't know anything about asdf, but if it uses make scripts then a
likely explanation for the problem is lack of the "MAKELEVEL=0" bit.

                        regards, tom lane

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