Hi. It's my first time using COPY TO. And first time using built-in CSV support. Performs well. BUT...
The code below (real code, but using a custom libpq wrapper lib) is run on a few tables, with unit tests that verify the number of lines of the output file. And for a few of those tables, there's a mismatch, the output from PostgreSQL "has too many lines". I've tracked these to text values in the DB with embedded newlines. These values are 'normal'. I'm not use to CSV, but I suppose such newlines must be encoded, perhaps as \n, since AFAIK CSV needs to be 1 line per row, no? So how's one supposed to configure the CSV output for the DB with embedded newlines? Thanks, --DD auto rset = my_exec(*conn_, "COPY MY_TAB TO STDOUT WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER)"); if (rset.status() != PGRES_COPY_OUT) { raise("CSV Export via SQL COPY error: ", rset.error_msg()); } std::ofstream os(file_name); bool done = false; while (!done) { auto buf = pq::CopyOutBuffer::get(*conn_); switch (buf.status()) { case pq::CopyOutStatus::eWait: assert(false); continue; case pq::CopyOutStatus::eDone: done = true; continue; case pq::CopyOutStatus::eError: raise("PQgetCopyData: {}", conn_->error_msg()); case pq::CopyOutStatus::eData: break; // process it below } // Each buffer seems to a single line of output, // with Unix-newline at the end, on all platforms. os.write(buf.data(), buf.size()); } os.close();