> david.g.johns...@gmail.com wrote:
> It's not a member though; there's a different syntax for that (ALTER 
> EXTENSION name ADD member_object).  The differences are a bit subtle, but for 
> example making the function an extension member would change how pg_dump 
> treats it.

I read, and re-read, the six replies from Tom and David that came in yesterday 
(17-Feb) after my most recent turn in this thread. Here’s what I’ve concluded:

(1) Tom has ruled that there are no implementation bugs in this space. This 
means that all the functionality that the tests that I have done (and 
presumably could do) reflect the intended behavior.

(2) The reasons for deciding on at least some of this behavior are lost in the 
mists of time. But anyway, no implementation changes will be made.

(3) I, for one, found it very hard to build an overall, predictive, mental 
model from the documentation. But, then, you’ve seen (somewhat to my 
embarrassment) that I often have such difficulties. I’m grateful therefore, 
especially in these work-from-home days, for the answers that my questions to 
this list have received.

(4) The clue to the whole thing is the semantics of the LoV for "pg_depend. 
deptype" (see below) — but you all kept this a secret from me!
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 

Here’s some detailed observations and responses to what Tom and David wrote:

> David: « An extension neither depends on nor is dependent upon its members. »

This must be a typo: "depends on" and "is dependent upon" mean the same. I’m 
guessing that this was meant: « An extension neither depends on nor is 
*depended* upon by its members. » If so, then it’s wrong. Yes: an extension 
doesn’t depend on its members. This query (which runs without error) shows that 
an extension depends upon only the schema nominated by "create extension… with 

select nspname from
where oid = (
  select refobjid
  from pg_catalog.pg_depend
  where objid = (
    select oid
    from pg_catalog.pg_extension
    where extname::text = $1));

But no: the objects do depend upon the extension that creates them, as this 
query shows:

prepare dependents_on_extension(text) as
  p.proname::text    as dependent_name,
  'subprogram'::text as dependent_type,
  e.extname::text    as parent_name,
  'extension'::text  as parent_type,
  d.deptype::text    as dependecy_type
  pg_catalog.pg_proc p
  inner join
  pg_catalog.pg_depend d
  on p.oid = d.objid
  inner join
  pg_catalog.pg_extension e
  on d.refobjid = e.oid
where e.extname::text = $1;

I tried it for the "cube" extension and it listed out the same function names 
that "\df the_schema.*" lists (where "the_schema" is the provided argument for 
the "with schema" clause of "create extension".

Moreover, it showed that the "dependency_type" is 'e' for the objects that 
creating the extension brings. And the section "52.18. pg_depend" says this 
about that value:

DEPENDENCY_EXTENSION (e) — The dependent object is a member of the extension 
that is the referenced object (see pg_extension). The dependent object can be 
dropped only via DROP EXTENSION on the referenced object. Functionally this 
dependency type acts the same as an INTERNAL dependency, but it's kept separate 
for clarity and to simplify pg_dump.

and it says this about "internal":

DEPENDENCY_INTERNAL (i) — The dependent object was created as part of creation 
of the referenced object, and is really just a part of its internal 
implementation. A direct DROP of the dependent object will be disallowed 
outright (we'll tell the user to issue a DROP against the referenced object, 
instead). A DROP of the referenced object will result in automatically dropping 
the dependent object whether CASCADE is specified or not…

Seems to me that the account of the "create extension" DDL would benefit from 
words to this effect and an x-ref to the account of "pg_depend"

In my tests, I installed the "cube" extension in schema "cube". Then I did this:

alter function cube.cube_cmp(cube.cube, cube.cube)depends on extension cube;

And then I repeated the query that I showed above. Now the results included 
these two rows:

   dependent_name   | dependent_type | parent_name | parent_type | 
 cube_cmp           | subprogram     | cube        | extension   | e
 cube_cmp           | subprogram     | cube        | extension   | x

Here's what the doc says about the new result:

DEPENDENCY_AUTO_EXTENSION (x) — The dependent object is not a member of the 
extension that is the referenced object (and so it should not be ignored by 
pg_dump), but it cannot function without the extension and should be 
auto-dropped if the extension is. The dependent object may be dropped on its 
own as well. Functionally this dependency type acts the same as an AUTO 
dependency, but it's kept separate for clarity and to simplify pg_dump.

This is the clue to everything that's been confusing me. But nobody mentioned 
"pg_depend. deptype"!

After reading and re-reading the accounts for all values of "pg_depend. 
deptype" I saw, eventually, that this means that "drop extension" will always 
silently remove all of its dependents of type 'x' whatever you might say about 
"restrict" (or "cascade").

B.t.w., a query like I show above but for the "parent_type" (user-defined) type 
shows that a function with an argument whose data type is such a user-defined) 
type depends on that type with deptype = 'n'.

A normal relationship between separately-created objects. The dependent object 
can be dropped without affecting the referenced object. The referenced object 
can only be dropped by specifying CASCADE, in which case the dependent object 
is dropped, too. Example: a table column has a normal dependency on its data 

A slow learner like me would always appreciate a commentary, with 
self-contained runnable examples along the lines of what I've sketched here, to 
accompany every maximally terse definitional account. But I appreciate that the 
PG Doc doesn't aim to do this.

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