Hello All, It is a bit specific logical replication setup where we try to replicate a partitioned table (pg14.1) to a non-partitioned one (pg11.14)
After establishing everything the subscriber fails on the initial copy with ERROR: table "public.tab01" not found on publisher If the subscription is created with (copy_data=false) changes are propagated okay. So I'm puzzled. Any comments ? Thanks a lot Rado Here is the example: SOURCE: test[14.1]=# CREATE TABLE tab01 (id int PRIMARY KEY) PARTITION BY RANGE(id); CREATE TABLE test[14.1]=# CREATE TABLE tab01_10 PARTITION OF tab01 FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (10); CREATE TABLE test[14.1]=# CREATE TABLE tab01_20 PARTITION OF tab01 FOR VALUES FROM (10) TO (20); CREATE TABLE test[14.1]=# insert into tab01 values (generate_series(1,15)); INSERT 0 15 test[14.1]=# CREATE PUBLICATION pub01 FOR TABLE public.tab01 WITH (publish_via_partition_root = true); CREATE PUBLICATION test[14.1]=# TARGET: test[11.14]=# CREATE TABLE tab01 (id int PRIMARY KEY); CREATE TABLE test[11.14]=# create subscription sub01 connection 'host=/var/run/postgresql port=5435 dbname=test user=postgres' publication pub01 ; NOTICE: created replication slot "sub01" on publisher CREATE SUBSCRIPTION test[11.14]=#