I have 2 sets of publication/subscription between my 2 DBs.
One of them is working fine and the other one is stuck at initializing
state for all the tables.

sourcedb=# select * from pg_publication;
  oid  |        pubname         | pubowner | puballtables | pubinsert |
pubupdate | pubdelete | pubtruncate | pubviaroot
 19585 | omx_archive_big_tables |    16420 | f            | t         | t
      | t         | t           | f
 19584 | omx_archive                    |    16420 | f            | t
  | t         | t         | t           | f

targetdb=# select * from pg_subscription_rel ;
  srsubid   |  srrelid   | srsubstate |   srsublsn
 3615804367 | 3322052690 | i          |
 3615804367 | 3322052570 | i          |
 3615756798 | 3322051793 | r          | 9E7E/BF5F82D8
 3615804367 | 3322052133 | i          |
 3615804367 | 3322054214 | i          |
 3615756798 | 3322051802 | r          | 9E7E/C149BBD8
 3615804367 | 3322051757 | i          |

targetdb=# select * from pg_subscription;
oid             | 3615756798
subdbid         | 16589
subname         | sub_omx_archive_big_tables_tci
subowner        | 16420
subenabled      | t
subconninfo     | xxx
subslotname     | sub_omx_archive_big_tables_tci
subsynccommit   | off
subpublications | {omx_archive_big_tables}
oid             | 3615804367
subdbid         | 16589
subname         | sub_omx_archive_tci
subowner        | 16420
subenabled      | t
subconninfo     | xxxx
subslotname     | sub_omx_archive_tci
subsynccommit   | off
subpublications | {omx_archive}

I have dropped the subscription, recreated and refreshed it many times, but
it won't move from the initializing phase.

Any suggestions on how to start copying the data again, other than dropping
the publication and re-creating it?

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