> On 2022-01-20, 12:52 PM, "Tom Lane" <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>    Garfield Lewis <garfield.le...@lzlabs.com> writes:
>    > I need the page and possibly row of the data location to be stored as an 
> element of the new type. This is to simulate a structure from another 
> database system.
>    You need to rethink.  The datatype input function cannot know even that
>    the value is going to be stored anywhere, let alone exactly where.
>    Moreover, what would happen if the row is moved somewhere else due
>    to an update of some other column?
>    You might be able to build something for cross-linking by putting
>    the logic in AFTER INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE triggers, but I think a
>    custom datatype is not going to be helpful for that.
>                       regards, tom lane
Thx, Tom...

I think you are right in the case of INPUT/RECEIVE, however we should be able 
to get that info during OUTPUT/SEND (I think) since it is fixed at that point. 
At the time I return the information to the user I could augment the output to 
add that information to the output. However, I still don't know if it is even 
possible to get that information in those functions. Is that at all possible?


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