Yes, I ran
\c mydb1
but I didn't see any SQL script underhood :(

    On Friday, January 14, 2022, 02:45:52 PM GMT+2, Ray O'Donnell 
<> wrote:  
 On 14/01/2022 12:42, Flaviu2 wrote:
> Yes, I started psql with -E, and now I see the SQL underhood. Thank you.
> Now I need to find how to get and how to select a specific database, I 
> have no experience in Postgre SQL.
Well, connecting from the command line with psql, you just specify it:

  psql [...options...] my_database

Or if you're already in psql, use the \c command:

    \c my_database

The Postgres manual is excellent, if enormous:

A good place to start is the "Tutorial" section.



Raymond O'Donnell // Galway // Ireland

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