Hi! On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 3:56 AM Michael Lewis <mle...@entrata.com> wrote: > If you end up with no rows changing from an insert or delete, something seems > awry. Unless you mean 0 rows affected.
Isn't this the same? Isn't the number of rows affected the same as the number of rows changing? For example: DELETE FROM my_table where i=100; would not change anything in your example. But probably this is just terminology I have used badly. > Do after statement triggers still execute? I suppose they very well might. I have run the following and it seems statement triggers still execute even if nothing changes: postgres=# create table my_table (i integer, j json); CREATE TABLE postgres=# insert into my_table select gs::integer, '{"key":1}'::json from generate_series(1,3) gs; INSERT 0 3 postgres=# create function my_table_func () returns trigger as $$ declare have_rows boolean; begin raise warning 'trigger called'; if (tg_op = 'INSERT') then select true into have_rows from new_values limit 1; if have_rows then raise warning 'rows have changed'; end if; elsif (tg_op = 'UPDATE' or tg_op = 'DELETE') then select true into have_rows from old_values limit 1; if have_rows then raise warning 'rows have changed'; end if; end if; return null; end $$ language plpgsql; CREATE FUNCTION postgres=# create trigger my_table_trig_insert after insert on my_table referencing new table as new_values for each statement execute function my_table_func(); CREATE TRIGGER postgres=# create trigger my_table_trig_update after update on my_table referencing old table as old_values for each statement execute function my_table_func(); CREATE TRIGGER postgres=# create trigger my_table_trig_delete after delete on my_table referencing old table as old_values for each statement execute function my_table_func(); CREATE TRIGGER postgres=# update my_table set j = '{"key":2}'::jsonb; WARNING: trigger called WARNING: rows have changed UPDATE 3 postgres=# update my_table set j = '{"key":2}'::jsonb; WARNING: trigger called WARNING: rows have changed UPDATE 3 postgres=# create trigger z_min_update before update on my_table for each row execute function suppress_redundant_updates_trigger(); CREATE TRIGGER postgres=# update my_table set j = '{"key":2}'::jsonb; WARNING: trigger called UPDATE 0 postgres=# update my_table set j = '{"key":3}'::jsonb; WARNING: trigger called WARNING: rows have changed UPDATE 3 postgres=# delete from my_table where i = 100; WARNING: trigger called DELETE 0 postgres=# insert into my_table select * from my_table where i = 100; WARNING: trigger called INSERT 0 0 > Would the statement even execute if no rows get updated and that is prevented > with before update? I would assume null is being returned rather than old if > the trigger finds the row to be identical. It looks like a statement trigger is always called, but checking REFERENCING matches affected rows as returned by the psql shell. Also notice how the number of affected rows is non-zero for trivial update before the use of suppress_redundant_updates_trigger, both through REFERENCING and through the psql shell. That matches also documentation: > ..., a trigger that is marked FOR EACH STATEMENT only executes once for any > given operation, regardless of how many rows it modifies (in particular, an > operation that modifies zero rows will still result in the execution of any > applicable FOR EACH STATEMENT triggers). So it would be really cool to be able to access the number of affected rows inside a trigger without the use of REFERENCING. Given that WHEN condition of a statement trigger is currently mostly useless (because the condition cannot refer to any values in the table) maybe providing something like AFFECTED variable in there would be the way to go? So one could write: CREATE TRIGGER my_trigger AFTER UPDATE ON my_table FOR EACH STATEMENT WHEN AFFECTED <> 0 EXECUTE FUNCTION my_table_func(); Mitar -- http://mitar.tnode.com/ https://twitter.com/mitar_m