One of the grad students in the computer center had a sign on his wall: God is real, but Man is only an integer. -- Mike Nolan
- Re: The tragedy of SQL Guyren Howe
- Re: The tragedy of SQL Rob Sargent
- Re: The tragedy of SQL Mladen Gogala
- Re: The tragedy of SQL Gavin Flower
- Re: The tragedy of SQL Michael Nolan
- Re: The tragedy of SQL Gavin Flower
- Alter and move corresponding: was The tr... Steve Litt
- Re: Alter and move corresponding: was Th... Michael Nolan
- Re: Alter and move corresponding: was Th... Gavin Flower
- Re: Alter and move corresponding: was Th... Gavan Schneider
- Re: Alter and move corresponding: was Th... Michael Nolan
- Re: Alter and move corresponding: was Th... Ron
- Re: Alter and move corresponding: was Th... Gavin Flower
- Re: Alter and move corresponding: was Th... Rob Sargent
- Re: Alter and move corresponding: was Th... Gavin Flower
- Re: The tragedy of SQL Mladen Gogala
- Re: The tragedy of SQL Rob Sargent
- Re: The tragedy of SQL Martin Ritchie
- Re: The tragedy of SQL Rich Shepard
- Re: The tragedy of SQL Bèrto ëd Sèra
- SQL queries as sets: was The tragedy of SQL Steve Litt