On Wednesday, September 15, 2021, A Z <powerus...@live.com.au> wrote:
> -In PostgreSQL, what is the difference between Roles, Groups
There is none, aside from convention.  Roles are generic, groups don’t get
login rights while users do.

You might want to clarify what you mean by policy since referencing the
“create policy” command seems out of place here.

> -Is there a simple, immediate, straightforward way to temporarily disable
> PostgreSQL database
> use of all other users, except development users, or in fact just one user
> (one developer, yourself)
> so that maintenance on the data or the data model may be performed?
Manipulating the pg_hba.comf file is usually the most efficient method.

Though since connect privileges are usually left as strictly inherited from
public by default revoking connect from public will most likely prevent
non-superusers from connecting to databases.

Though it seems unusual that maintenance would require such extreme
measures to be taken.

David J.

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