If you need it ordered, this is a bit awkward but works and returns for me
in about 5ms on my dev machine.

select string_agg( value, ',' ) As final_result from(



min( row_num ) as min_row_num




row_number() over () as row_num


( select unnest( string_to_array(
',' ) ) as value

) as sub

) sub_outer

group by value

order by min_row_num

) sub_outermost;

/* return value


If you don't need the order maintained, it becomes a much simpler problem
and you can strip off some of this complexity.

*Michael Lewis  |  Database Engineer*

On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 4:42 PM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> "Markhof, Ingolf" <ingolf.mark...@de.verizon.com> writes:
> > BRIEF:
> > regexp_replace(source,pattern,replacement,flags) needs very (!) long to
> > complete or does not complete at all (?!) for big input strings (a few k
> > characters). (Oracle SQL completes the same in a few ms)
> Regexps containing backrefs are inherently hard --- every engine has
> strengths and weaknesses.  I doubt it'd be hard to find cases where
> our engine is orders of magnitude faster than Oracle's; but you've
> hit on a case where the opposite is true.
> The core of the problem is that it's hard to tell how much of the
> string could be matched by the (,\1)* subpattern.  In principle, *all*
> of the remaining string could be, if it were N repetitions of the
> initial word.  Or it could be N-1 repetitions followed by one other
> word, and so on.  The difficulty is that since our engine guarantees
> to find the longest feasible match, it tries these options from
> longest to shortest.  Usually the actual match (if any) will be pretty
> short, so that you have O(N) wasted work per word, making the runtime
> at least O(N^2).
> I think your best bet is to not try to eliminate multiple duplicates
> at a time.  Get rid of one dup at a time, say by
>      str := regexp_replace(str, '([^,]+)(,\1)?($|,)', '\1\3', 'g');
> and repeat till the string doesn't get any shorter.
> I did come across a performance bug [1] while poking at this, but
> alas fixing it doesn't move the needle very much for this example.
>                         regards, tom lane
> [1]
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/1808998.1629412269%40sss.pgh.pa.us

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