On Thu, 19 Aug 2021, David G. Johnston wrote:

Yeah, you wrote two from clauses…


Mea culpa! I did. Got that fixed.

Now, this query:
Select distinct on (p.person_nbr) p.person_nbr,
c.contact_date, max(c.next_contact) as next_contac from contacts,
people as p, contacts as c
where c.next_contact <= current_date and
p.person_nbr = c.person_nbr
group by p.person_nbr, c.contact_date
order by p.person_nbr, c.contact_date desc;
results in usable information; e.g.,
person_nbr | contact_date | next_contact ------------+--------------+-------------
          1 | 2021-07-21   | 2021-07-26
          4 | 2021-07-28   | 2021-08-16
          6 | 2021-07-28   | 2021-08-16
          9 | 2019-03-26   | 2020-11-17
         11 | 2018-04-05   | 2020-11-17
         13 | 2021-07-28   | 2021-08-16

My thanks to all of you,


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