On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 7:34 PM A Z <powerus...@live.com.au> wrote:

> The library that I have been using so far is ttmath, in GNU C++.  That
> library
> is High Precision, in the end, and does seem to be high precision enough,
> accurate enough and fast enough for my programs.

I'm guessing from the silence, and my subjective opinion that this kind of
need in a relational database - an innovation of the business world - is
especially rare, that the probability that your particular combination of
requirements exists is basically zero.  Especially as the one project you
found, pgmp, no longer seems to be developed and in its current state
doesn't meet your requirements.  In short, I'm doubting that you will find
something that is both free of money and your effort.  On the positive
side, it seems the harder part of all this, the math library, already
exists.  And its is most likely possible to get a working API to that in
PostgreSQL in a manner similar to the pgmp project.  So the needed effort
is hopefully just in gluing the two worlds together.

As you are already using a C++ library the following section of the
documentation [1] may help.  Figuring out how to write a wrapper-oriented
extension over top of the C++ ttmath library seems doable.  Especially
since you have the pgmp project to use as a jumping off point (I'm guessing
there are some C++ wrapped extensions out there too - even if not for this
specific library).  Licensing is something to consider though - and outside
my willingness to advise upon.

1. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/xfunc-c.html#EXTEND-CPP

David J.

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