
Does anyone here have experience to share regarding Amazon's RDS
Proxy? Subjective or quantitative, positive or negative, anything you
have is great.

(I've found information to be thin on the ground, probably because RDS
Proxy has been around for such a short time (just over a year).
As you can imagine, I'm a bit hesitant to adopt something so new[1].)

Thanks in advance!

[1] You may be wondering why I don't just use PgBouncer, which is
super-stable and -mature. The answer is that RDS Proxy has a few nice
affordances not present in PgBouncer:

- Automatic re-pointing of open client conns when an RDS failover happens.
- Automatic integration with IAM authentication.
- Less DevOps code to write.

These aren't must-haves; if they came at the cost of overall stability,
I would choose PgBouncer.

Thanks again,

Quinn Weaver

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