The docs are pretty clear that all constraints must have the partition key as part of the key, and PK is most certainly a constraint.

I welcome a counter-example.

On 7/8/21 10:23 AM, Alban Hertroys wrote:
On 2021-07-08 13:30, Ron wrote:
> Thus, the bigTable PK must be on id, columnX, (No, I don't like it
> either.)

That's not entirely true. You can keep the PK on id if you additionally
create a unique constraint on (id, columnX).

That way, you can at least be certain that the uniqueness of the PK
remains in-tact, even if that is a surrogate key that has nothing to do
with the uniqueness of the actual records.


Alban Hertroys.

*Alban Hertroys***


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