Hello, I originally posted this as a StackOverflow question[1], but one of the responses there suggested I may get further help here on pgsql-general. The question is perhaps a little more fleshed out than what follows, but I hope this email is self-contained.
I have a large database whose schema I have recently changed. Since then I cannot restore its dump using the normal `psql -1 -f ...` route. Running `psql -1 -f ...` gives the error shown in the subject, yet pasting the failing view in the terminal afterwards is successful. To cut a long story short, I pruned the schema to ~100 lines but something that can reproduce the error shown in the subject. The testcase is appended to this email for completeness[2]. No lines have been changed; I have only deleted lines to whittle the production dump down to something that is copy-paste friendly. One helpful person there was able to find the line created by pg_dump which causes the error ``` SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); ``` However, I do not know the knock-on effects of removing this line, and it doesn't help that I will have to edit the dumps every time I wish to restore them. Is there something I can do to pg_dump which can suppress this error in the general case? Is this a bug or have I done something wrong myself? The relevant details of the Debian stretch host: ii postgresql-9.6-ip4r 2.4-1.pgdg80+1 ii postgresql-client-9.6 9.6.22-0+deb9u1 ii postgresql-contrib-9.6 9.6.22-0+deb9u1 Many thanks for your time on this Christopher --------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68282538/pg-dumps-restore-gives-operator-does-not-exist-public-iprange-public-iprang?noredirect=1#comment120721406_68282538 [2] ``` SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); SET check_function_bodies = false; SET xmloption = content; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET row_security = off; CREATE SCHEMA archive; CREATE SCHEMA auth; CREATE SCHEMA data; CREATE SCHEMA minion; CREATE SCHEMA user_views; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpgsql WITH SCHEMA pg_catalog; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS ip4r WITH SCHEMA public; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgcrypto WITH SCHEMA public; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp" WITH SCHEMA public; CREATE TABLE data.subnet_dhcp_options_updates_log ( subnet_range public.iprange NOT NULL, txid bigint NOT NULL, last_update timestamp without time zone NOT NULL ); CREATE FUNCTION public.subnet_dhcp_option_last_update(arg_subnet_range public.iprange) RETURNS timestamp without time zone LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $$ select last_update from data.subnet_dhcp_options_updates_log where subnet_range = arg_subnet_range; $$; CREATE TABLE data.subnets ( id uuid DEFAULT public.uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL, subnet_range public.iprange NOT NULL, comment text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL, created_in_transaction bigint DEFAULT txid_current() NOT NULL, deleted_in_transaction bigint, subnet_name text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL, is_visible boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL ); CREATE VIEW archive.subnets AS SELECT subnets.id, subnets.subnet_range, subnets.comment, subnets.created_in_transaction, subnets.deleted_in_transaction, subnets.subnet_name, subnets.is_visible, public.family(subnets.subnet_range) AS ip_version FROM data.subnets; CREATE TABLE data.subnet_dhcp_options ( id uuid NOT NULL, kea_subnet_id integer NOT NULL, subnet_range public.iprange NOT NULL, subnet_pools public.iprange[] DEFAULT '{}'::public.iprange[] NOT NULL, dhcp_options jsonb DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb NOT NULL, unknown_client_leases boolean NOT NULL, comment text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL, created_in_transaction bigint DEFAULT txid_current() NOT NULL, deleted_in_transaction bigint ); CREATE VIEW public.subnets AS SELECT subnets.id, subnets.subnet_range, subnets.comment, subnets.created_in_transaction, subnets.deleted_in_transaction, subnets.subnet_name, subnets.is_visible, subnets.ip_version FROM archive.subnets WHERE (subnets.deleted_in_transaction IS NULL); CREATE VIEW archive.subnet_dhcp_options AS SELECT sdo.id, sdo.subnet_range, (sdo.subnet_pools)::text[] AS subnet_pools, sdo.dhcp_options, sdo.unknown_client_leases, sdo.kea_subnet_id, public.family(sdo.subnet_range) AS ip_version, sdo.comment, sdo.created_in_transaction, sdo.deleted_in_transaction, array_to_string((sdo.subnet_pools)::text[], ' '::text) AS subnet_pools_as_string, public.subnet_dhcp_option_last_update(sdo.subnet_range) AS last_update, s.id AS subnet_id FROM (data.subnet_dhcp_options sdo JOIN public.subnets s USING (subnet_range)); ```