On 7/3/21 9:32 AM, Ray O'Donnell wrote:
On 27/06/2021 23:41, Ray O'Donnell wrote:
Hi all,

I'm playing with timestamptz ranges for a hobby project. I have a
table with a tstzrange column, in which the timestamps can overlap;
where they do, rows with a higher priority (derived from a bigint
primary key column) should be picked.

What I'd like to do is present a view which shows timestamp ranges at
 the front of the queue, as it were; where ranges overlap, these may
be segments of a range from a particular row. I'm having trouble with
this and would appreciate suggestions.

I've come up with a way of doing it using a function... it's not going to be very efficient if the number of rows gets large, due to nested loops, but as the system generally keeps only a limited number of bookings (no more that a few hundred), I think it'll do - certainly as a first run at it.

Firstly, the table structure (as it now stands) on which the function will operate:

     aircraft_reg text NOT NULL,
     type_code text NOT NULL,
     booking_time tstzrange NOT NULL,
     owner_uid text NOT NULL,
     owner_name text NOT NULL,

     CONSTRAINT bookings_pk PRIMARY KEY (booking_id),

     (... foregin keys etc...)

And here's the function:

create or replace function get_visible_bookings()
returns setof bookings
language plpgsql
   m_rec bookings;
   m_overlapping record;
   m_visible_time tstzrange;
   -- Loop through all bookings on the system, ordered on booking ID.
   -- The booking ID also give the queue priority of the booking:
   -- bookings with a lower ID have a higher priority.
   for m_rec in
     select * from bookings order by booking_id
     m_visible_time := m_rec.booking_time;

     -- For each booking, check whether there are any with
     -- a higher priority and whose times overlap it.
     for m_overlapping in
       select booking_id, booking_time from bookings
       where booking_id < m_rec.booking_id
       and booking_time && m_rec.booking_time
       -- Snip away any overlapping (obscured) time.
       m_visible_time := m_visible_time - m_overlapping.booking_time;
     end loop;

     -- If any of the current booking's time is still visible,
     -- then return the row with what's left of the time.
     if not isempty(m_visible_time) then
     return next row(m_rec.booking_id, m_rec.aircraft_reg,
           m_rec.type_code, m_visible_time,
           m_rec.owner_uid, m_rec.owner_name);
     end if;
   end loop;


I'm not sure this is doing what you think it is;

select * from bookings  order by  booking_id;
booking_id | aircraft_reg | type_code | booking_time | owner_uid | owner_name
1 | A1ZX | type1 | ["2021-07-03 10:00:00-07","2021-07-03 14:00:00-07"] | 1 | aklaver 2 | A1ZX | type1 | ["2021-07-03 12:00:00-07","2021-07-03 16:00:00-07"] | 1 | aklaver 3 | A1ZX | type1 | ["2021-07-04 09:00:00-07","2021-07-04 12:00:00-07"] | 1 | aklaver 4 | B2CA | type2 | ["2021-07-03 09:00:00-07","2021-07-03 12:00:00-07"] | 2 | wilbur 5 | B2CA | type2 | ["2021-07-03 11:00:00-07","2021-07-03 14:00:00-07"] | 2 | wilbur

 select * from get_visible_bookings();
booking_id | aircraft_reg | type_code | booking_time | owner_uid | owner_name
1 | A1ZX | type1 | ["2021-07-03 10:00:00-07","2021-07-03 14:00:00-07"] | 1 | aklaver 2 | A1ZX | type1 | ("2021-07-03 14:00:00-07","2021-07-03 16:00:00-07"] | 1 | aklaver 3 | A1ZX | type1 | ["2021-07-04 09:00:00-07","2021-07-04 12:00:00-07"] | 1 | aklaver 4 | B2CA | type2 | ["2021-07-03 09:00:00-07","2021-07-03 10:00:00-07") | 2 | wilbur
(4 rows)

The booking_id for aircraft B2CA with booking_time of ["2021-07-03 11:00:00-07","2021-07-03 14:00:00-07"] is not accounted for. There is a step missing that accounts for bookings being assigned to a particular aircraft.

Adrian Klaver

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