On 7/1/21 12:56 PM, W.P. wrote:
W dniu 01.07.2021 o 16:19, Laurenz Albe pisze:
On Thu, 2021-07-01 at 10:56 +0200, W.P. wrote:
I have a PG 11.12 (was 9.5 or 9.5) upgraded from 9.x (during OS
One table is now damaged, trying to dump it results in server restart,
message is "invalid record length xxxx maximum is yyy" (from memory).
How can I (?) repair this table? (for recent data this works OK).
If you have a backup, take that.
If not, hire an expert in data recovery.
Laurenz Albe
I have something similar to backup: old database, but it is 9.5, how can
I install 9.5 binaries / libs / config on Fedora 30 i386 (with PG11
installed) side-by-side?
Is the old database on another machine where it can be started and then
the data dumped?
Adrian Klaver