Greetings All, Firstly, apologies for cross posting. I would like to create a table which will contain postGIS geometries, specifically linestrings. Each line string should be unique, unique in the sense that no linestring should st_equals any other. (see
So, LINESTRING(10 10, 50 50) and LINESTRING(50 50, 10 10) are "st_equal". I did the following: BEGIN; DROP OPERATOR IF EXISTS |*| (geometry, geometry) CASCADE; CREATE OPERATOR |*| ( FUNCTION = st_equals, LEFTARG = geometry, RIGHTARG = geometry, COMMUTATOR = |*| ); CREATE OPERATOR CLASS my_ops FOR TYPE geometry USING gist FAMILY gist_geometry_ops_2d AS OPERATOR 99 |*| (geometry, geometry); -- This returns True SELECT 'LINESTRING(10 10, 50 50)'::geometry |*| 'LINESTRING(50 50, 10 10)'::geometry; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_1 ; CREATE TABLE test_1 ( fid integer PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, g geometry, EXCLUDE USING GIST (g WITH |*|) ); INSERT INTO test_1 (g) VALUES ('LINESTRING(10 10, 50 50)') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO test_1 (g) VALUES ('LINESTRING(50 50, 10 10)') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; -- This should do nothing; SELECT fid, st_astext(g) FROM test_1; -- both rows returned, exclusion doesn't work as I think it should. ROLLBACK; But where I expected the second insert to 'DO NOTHING', it very much did something. So clearly I am missing something somewhere or my understanding of exclusion constraints is lacking...or both. Any suggestions to get the desired outcome? (Using a trigger doesn't count :-D ) But Rhys Peace & Love | Live Long & Prosper